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Broken abstractions in Go
Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010.

One of my favorite pieces of Go is the implementation of the go and defer statements, because it seems to cheat. It reuses the function call code in such a way that adding go is just a couple lines in the compiler back end, far shorter than it would have been if implemented from scratch. But reusing the function call code requires breaking an abstraction layer in a somewhat non-obvious way. Defer cheats in a few more interesting ways too. (I'm not claiming responsibility for any of this clever code. I believe it's all due to Ken Thompson.)


In Go, the statement go f(x,y,z) starts a new goroutine running the function call f(x,y,z). The values of f, x, y, and z are all computed in the original goroutine: it is only the execution of f that happens in the new goroutine.

Before we go on, stop for a minute and think about how you'd implement this if you were generating C code. I would probably create a struct with fields for f, x, y, and z, and then I'd write a function that took a pointer to that struct as input and called f(x,y,z), and then I'd compile the go statement by generating code to allocate and fill in the struct and then call a function go(helper, structptr) where helper is the other function that does the call. It's a fair amount of work, and it would have to happen for each call. The Go implementation of go avoids all of that.

Let's defer go for a minute and look at a normal function call. Here's the assembly for calling f(1, 2, 3):

 MOVL    $1, 0(SP)
 MOVL    $2, 4(SP)
 MOVL    $3, 8(SP)
 CALL    f(SB)

It stores 1, 2, and 3 on the stack in the places where f expects them, and then it executes a CALL instruction. Simple enough.

Here's the code for go f(1, 2, 3):

 MOVL    $1, 0(SP)
 MOVL    $2, 4(SP)
 MOVL    $3, 8(SP)
 PUSHQ   $f(SB)
 PUSHQ   $12
 CALL    runtime.newproc(SB)

This is not something you could have written in C. It starts out by setting up for an ordinary function call, storing the arguments in the usual places. But then at the last minute it swerves: instead of calling f directly, it pushes two more arguments onto the stack: f and the number 12, and then it calls a different function runtime.newproc.

Newproc expects its arguments to be a byte count n, the function to call, and then n bytes of parameters to the function, already laid out exactly how the function needs to receive them. It copies those n bytes to a new stack and starts f running with its stack pointer pointing at those arguments. Newproc is essentially the helper, but there's just one instance of it.

In the gc compilers (6g, etc), the implementation of go calls the same code generator as for an ordinary function call, but it ends with that 5-instruction sequence instead of a simple CALL instruction.

This trick eliminates all the special code that I would have generated, requiring only a handful of lines in the runtime and only a handful of lines in the compiler.


The statement defer f(x,y,z) is like go f(x,y,z), but instead of running the call in a new goroutine, it saves the call for later, running it when the current function eventually returns. The implementation of the statement itself is almost identical to the implementation for go, except that the generated code calls deferproc instead of newproc.

The interesting new broken abstractions for defer are in how the deferred functions get called. If a function contains a defer statement, instead of ending with the usual epilogue

 ADDL $48, SP // or whatever the frame size is

the function ends with

 CALL runtime.deferreturn(SB)
 ADDL $48, SP

The runtime function deferreturn arranges for the deferred calls, if any, to run. How? Each goroutine has associated with it a linked list of deferred calls, Defer structures:

struct Defer
 int32 siz;
 byte* sp;
 byte* fn;
 Defer* link;
 byte args[8]; // padded to actual size

The struct represents a deferred call to fn with the siz bytes of arguments stored in args. (The struct is allocated with enough space on the end even if siz > 8.) The link field is for the linked list. What about sp? That's how calldefer knows whether it's time to run a particular call. The sp field records the address of the first argument (after fn) in the call to deferproc. If the first argument to calldefer is at the same address, then the Defer is for this call frame. If not, it is for a different call frame, and since defers run when a function exits, it must be for a frame higher up the stack:

deferreturn(uintptr arg0)
 byte *sp, *fn;
 Defer *d;

 sp = (byte*)&arg0;
 d = g->defer;
 if(d == nil || d->sp != sp)
 mcpy(d->sp, d->args, d->siz);
 g->defer = d->link;
 fn = d->fn;
 jmpdefer(fn, sp);

If you were writing this in pure C, you'd probably have a separate stack for each call frame, or maybe on entry to a function with a defer statement you'd push a special marker onto the defer stack and then, at the end, run deferred calls until you found the marker. But if you work at the lower-level world of machine instructions, the stack pointer is a perfectly good unique identifier of a particular call frame; using it avoids any work on the way into the function.

If there is a deferred call to run, then deferreturn copies the arguments to the stack—there's definitely room, because that's the same address deferproc copied them from—frees the defer stub, and then calls the assembly function jmpdefer to transfer control to fn as though the original function had called fn directly instead of deferreturn.

But wait! That only takes care of a single deferred call, yet a function can defer many calls during the course of its execution. How can that work?

Well, the assembly trampoline jmpdefer has one more abstraction breaker up its sleeve. It subtracts five—the size of CALL instruction that invoked deferreturn—from the return address on the stack before jumping to fn, so the deferred function returns not to the instruction after the CALL, as it normally would, but back to the CALL itself. That is, subtracting five turns the CALL instruction into a loop. The only way out of the loop is for deferreturn to find no work left for this call frame and return normally, without calling jmpdefer. This subterfuge avoids the need to write a loop at the end of every function with a defer statement.

On abstraction

In today's programming world, there seems to be a lot of emphasis on the power of abstraction. I think there's not enough emphasis on the power of breaking abstractions. All three of these places where the Go implementation breaks the abstraction are more efficient than if it had colored within the abstraction boundaries.

All three are also the kinds of tricks that were commonplace in the early days of Unix, since it had been written in assembly. For example, the original fork system call handler distinguished parent from child by changing the return address just as jmpdefer does. In modern Unix, the fork system call returns the new process id in the parent but returns zero in the child. In the early versions, including Sixth Edition, fork returns the new process id in both, but the child returned normally while the parent returned to one instruction past the usual return address. Thus the instruction after invoking the fork system call needed to be an unconditional jump to the child-specific code.

There are other, more fundamental abstractions broken in Go. The implementation of segmented stacks in Go breaks the simple abstraction of a stack that most C compilers assume (more on that in another post). The idea that an object can implement an interface without explicitly declaring that fact is foreign to Java: it is impossible to compile Go to standard Java byte codes, because Go's interfaces break the JVM's abstraction.

Ultimately, I think the reason I like all these broken abstractions is that they help you get to a better understanding of the system as a whole. Where before you only saw two different layers, you now begin to see how the layers are related and how they can interact. And every broken abstraction is a chance to see or create a new concept that may not have even been expressible before.

(Comments originally posted via Blogger.)

  • Barry Kelly (March 29, 2010 9:49 AM) It's expressly the job of a compiler to remove abstractions from code. Ultimately it needs to remove all abstractions, until the remaining bitstream is able to signal the hardware to generate the desired effects in the physical world.

    So yes, when you're implementing a compiler, you need to be aware of the fact that it's your job to destroy abstraction, to map it into appropriate layers with as much efficiency as correctness will allow. But that's not the same thing as saying that breaking abstractions is a good thing.

  • Autodidactic Asphyxiation (March 29, 2010 9:57 AM) Are parameters passed on the stack in 64-bit, as well?

    How does the call/ret-5 subterfuge effect the call/ret prediction on modern processors?

  • Russ Cox (March 29, 2010 10:21 AM) @barry: Not a good thing if done all the time, but certainly a good thing once in a while.

    @aa: The fact that f called deferreturn, which called jmpdefer, which is returning straight to f, already broke the RET prediction. Rewinding the CALL instruction doesn't make it any worse. ;-)

  • Peter (May 19, 2010 9:21 PM) I am pretty sure you can compile Go to JVM by messing around with Java interfaces sufficiently. It wouldn't be pretty, that's for sure. :-D

  • IDisposable (January 4, 2011 5:30 PM) Why doesn't the go helper runtime.newproc pop the known-to-be function address and arglist byte-size automatically instead of relying on the call-site to pop them? That would turn this:

    MOVL $1, 0(SP)
    MOVL $2, 4(SP)
    MOVL $3, 8(SP)
    PUSHQ $f(SB)
    PUSHQ $12
    CALL runtime.newproc(SB)


    MOVL $1, 0(SP)
    MOVL $2, 4(SP)
    MOVL $3, 8(SP)
    PUSHQ $f(SB)
    PUSHQ $12
    CALL runtime.newproc(SB)

    which would be much better on pipeline sizes?

  • Carsten Milkau (May 27, 2011 5:08 AM) I wonder why

    defer <FunctionBody>
    go <FunctionBody>

    haven't been turned into (lexical) synonyms for

    defer func() <FunctionBody> ()
    go func() <FunctionBody> ()

    following the general design pattern of go to avoid boilerplate.

    IMHO this is fairly straightforward and unambiguous, in mind that anonymous functions are closures. The defer and go keywords are prominent enough to remind this is an anonymous function call and not an ordinary block. Still, in many cases that difference doesn't matter, and in those cases the resemblance is even a plus.